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Peder Tellefsdal is a PR consultant and communication expert on a mission to help Christian leaders rediscover the greatest story ever told, and connect with modern audiences.

It’s the greatest story ever told. 
But today, it’s the greatest story never told.

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As a young man, Peder Tellefsdal lost his faith and abandoned Christianity. 


The story he heard from the Church was about shame and loss.


Who wants to be in that story?


Now after spending more than 20 years as a political advisor and PR consultant, he has seen the true impact of a story told the right way. 


In fact, it was a non-church organization that pulled him back to Christianity.

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Peder went on a forgiveness road trip where he discovered the power of grace, rebuilt and strengthened relationships with friends and family, and finally connected with the core message of the gospel.


Today, Peder is on a mission to help Church leaders and christian organizations rediscover the greatest story ever told so they can connect with modern audiences.

About the Book


Rediscovering the Greatest Story Ever Told to Connect with Modern Audiences

Why do Church leaders and Christian organizations struggle to connect with modern audiences?

Where once the church was a cornerstone of local communities, today many people believe it is irrelevant or out of touch. 


And so, church leaders are now stuck between a warped public perception and the true message of the Gospel.


If you care about the Christian message today, it is hard not to feel discouraged.


But what if we look at this all wrong?


What if the problem isn’t that people don’t care but that the messaging around the Gospel is confusing and unrelatable?


If you want people to join your movement, you have to tell them a story they actually want to be in.

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What the Readers Say

In a world that increasingly finds faith irrelevant, Peder has released a timely and necessary call to arms: to change the way we communicate the most powerful story ever told. Peder's personal testimony shines a light on how releveant and impactful the gospel remains, particularly when it is shared in its undiluted truth. I strongly recommend this book not only to pastors and church leadership, but to every believer who lonngs to see the gospel spread in a world increasingly gripped by secularism. 5 stars all around!

- Michelle Onuorah

This book is a must-read for any Christian leader struggling to reach the hearts and minds of a contemporary audience. Through a marketer's lens, Tellefsdal provides a brilliant new perspective on rediscovering the gospel's good news and the transformational power of grace.

- Egil Svartdahl,

pastor, author and TV host 

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In this book, you will learn:

  • The two “ditches” that modern Christian organizations fall into.

  • Best practices for effective communication that have stood the test of time.

  • How to clearly articulate the message of the Gospel in a way that engages modern audiences.

  • Why we need to reclaim the language of morality.

  • How to build a powerful personal brand that represents your organization.

  • Media coverage for church leaders: a step-by-step guide.

  • Why “grace” is Christianity’s greatest value proposition and how to leverage it—and much more.

With the right messaging strategy, any church leader can grow their membership and re-engage existing members. In this book, you’ll learn how.

Peder is a powerful and persuasive communicator who understands how to reach and move an audience.

Brian Miller, Founder & Principal Consultant,

Clarity Up Consulting

Peder has a unique ability to write about complex topics in a way that truly resonates with modern audiences.

Linn Juul-Petersen, Event organizer, TEDxArendal

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Meet the Author

Peder Tellefsdal is a PR professional, communication consultant, and speaker who believes that what we do in small, we do in large. 


As a young man, Peder lost his faith and abandoned Christianity. After several years of destructive behavior, it was a non-church organization that pulled him back, where he discovered the power of grace and finally connected with the core message of the gospel. 


That’s when he realized the Church was missing an opportunity to reach people like him. Luckily, Peder is a communication specialist, so he set out to help Christian organizations make the Church relevant to modern audiences.


In 2022, he delivered a talk at TEDxArendal where he shared his story of repentance, "How to seek forgiveness when relationships are on the line,” which inspired over 1.7 million people. 


Peder imagines a world where everyone communicates effectively, takes responsibility for their screw-ups, and receives the most beautiful gift in the world: grace.


He lives in Arendal with his wife and two young children and spends his rare free time shredding on an electric guitar.


  • Senior Partner, Innoventi

  • Master of Management, Norwegian Business School: Strategic Communication and Storytelling

  • TEDxArendal Speaker: 1.7 million views

  • General Manager, Electric Boating Business Network

  • Chief of Staff, City Board (Government), Oslo

  • Political Advisor, Norwegian Parliament

  • StoryBrand Certified Guide

Discover How Clear Your Church's Message Truly Is

Take a FREE Self-Assessment on "How Clear is Your Church Message"This quick quiz is your key to evaluating and strengthening your church's messaging and communication. 

Self-Assessment for Church Leaders


Rediscovering the Greatest Story Ever Told to Connect with Modern Audiences

©2023 by Peder Tellefsdal ┃ Site Design Credit

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